Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation Establishes Itself as Leader in Global Knowledge Production and Transfer

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation Establishes Itself as Leader in Global Knowledge Production and Transfer

30/12/2017 0 Di puntoacapo

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Mohammed bin Rashid Al Mak­toum Knowl­edge Foun­da­tion estab­lish­es itself as leader in glob­al knowl­edge pro­duc­tion and trans­fer. (PRNewsfoto/Mohammed bin Rashid Al Mak­toum K)

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation Establishes Itself as Leader in Global Knowledge Production and Transfer

DUBAI, UAE, Decem­ber 28, 2017

The Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Foundation, a member of Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum’s global initiatives, has established itself as one of the most important foundations that produces, transfers and disseminates knowledge in the region and the world through its diverse innovative initiatives in 2017.


The events helped acti­vate knowl­edge shar­ing as well as the devel­op­ment of new meth­ods and tools to mea­sure knowl­edge in addi­tion to devel­op­ing mech­a­nisms and for­mu­lat­ing pro­pos­als that con­tributed to the advance­ment of knowl­edge around the world.

The launch of the Glob­al Knowl­edge Index, the first of its kind in the world, as part of the Foun­da­tion’s strate­gic part­ner­ship with the Unit­ed Nations Devel­op­ment Pro­gram (UNDP) and the Arab Knowl­edge Project, was one of the most impor­tant glob­al ini­tia­tives. The Index high­light­ed knowl­edge as a com­pre­hen­sive con­cept cov­er­ing var­i­ous aspects of human life and social, eco­nom­ic and cul­tur­al activ­i­ties. It cur­rent­ly plays a key role in mea­sur­ing and dri­ving com­pre­hen­sive and sus­tain­able human devel­op­ment.

To pro­mote knowl­edge at the Arab and glob­al lev­els, the Foun­da­tion also launched the Lit­er­a­cy in the Arab World at the Knowl­edge Sum­mit 2017, which aimed at pro­vid­ing peo­ple with the nec­es­sary skills and knowl­edge in response to the increas­ing chal­lenges of new tech­nolo­gies. The goal was to help ensure the right to edu­ca­tion for 30 mil­lion Arabs under the age of 18 by 2030 in the Arab world.

For the third con­sec­u­tive year, the Foun­da­tion orga­nized the Nobel Muse­um 2017 in Dubai under the theme, “The Nobel Prize in Physics: Under­stand­ing Mat­ter”. The Foun­da­tion is the first Arab organ­i­sa­tion to con­duct this pres­ti­gious knowl­edge event in the world hav­ing signed an exclu­sive part­ner­ship agree­ment with the Nobel Foun­da­tion.

As part of its efforts to pro­mote the dis­sem­i­na­tion and pro­duc­tion of knowl­edge in the region and the world, the Foun­da­tion launched, the region’s largest audio book project through Qin­deel Edu­ca­tion­al, MBR­F’s edu­ca­tion­al arm, to deliv­er a vast col­lec­tion of e‑books in all fields and in all lan­guages.

Under­lin­ing its com­mit­ment to the com­mu­ni­ty and con­tribut­ing to the imple­men­ta­tion of the direc­tives of the wise lead­er­ship that sup­port Peo­ple with Deter­mi­na­tion, the Foun­da­tion also launched the Par­a­lympic Sum­mer Games Rule­book in Ara­bic, for Peo­ple with Deter­mi­na­tion, in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Inter­na­tion­al Par­a­lympic Com­mit­tee and the Dubai Club.

Bil Ara­bi  ini­tia­tive, launched by the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Mak­toum Knowl­edge Foun­da­tion in its fifth year, wit­nessed a wide spread of social net­work­ing sites across the world, with more than 2 .4 bil­lion views and inter­ac­tions, in con­junc­tion with the events organ­ised by the Foun­da­tion to cel­e­brate the Inter­na­tion­al Day of the Ara­bic Lan­guage, which is set by the Unit­ed Nations to be marked on 18 Decem­ber each year with the goal of enhanc­ing the sta­tus of the Ara­bic lan­guage among the lan­guages of the world and encour­ag­ing its use in social media chan­nels.

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