Cambridge: leaders to consider implications of Brexit for city

Cambridge: leaders to consider implications of Brexit for city

25/07/2016 0 Di Redazione

Que­sto arti­co­lo è sta­to let­to 9995 vol­te!

cambridge, brexitCambridge: leaders to consider implications of Brexit for city

LEADERS from the busi­ness, aca­de­mic, NHS and poli­ti­cal com­mu­ni­ties will come toge­ther to discuss the impli­ca­tions of the lea­ve deci­sion fol­lo­wing the refe­ren­dum on Britain’s mem­ber­ship of the Euro­pean Union (EU).

Orga­ni­sed by Cam­brid­ge City Coun­cil, the free public event enti­tled “Respon­ding to Bre­xit — achie­ving the best for Cam­brid­ge” will be held from 7pm to 9pm on Fri­day 5 Augu­st at The Guil­d­hall, Mar­ket Squa­re in Cam­brid­ge.

Due to the need to plan capa­ci­ty and the expec­ted demand, the event will be tic­ke­ted but it is open to anyo­ne who would like to attend. Pla­ces can be reser­ved at Event­bri­te.

Spea­kers offe­ring views on what the vote to lea­ve the EU means for Cam­brid­ge are set to inclu­de:

Dr Simon Usher­wood, Senior Lec­tu­rer in Poli­tics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Sur­rey, from the ‘UK in a Chan­ging Euro­pe’ pro­gram­me, who will assess the impact of Bre­xit on Cam­brid­ge and the UK;

Pro­fes­sor Chris Abell, Pro-Vice Chan­cel­lor for Research, Uni­ver­si­ty of Cam­brid­ge, who will give a per­spec­ti­ve from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cam­brid­ge;

Clai­re Ruskin, Chief Exe­cu­ti­ve Offi­cer of Cam­brid­ge Net­work, who will offer some views and ideas from the Cam­brid­ge busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty;

Dr Mike More, Vice Chair of the Board of Direc­tors, Cam­brid­ge Uni­ver­si­ty Hospi­tals Tru­st, who will give a view from Addenbrooke’s Hospi­tal and the NHS.

Atten­dees will have the chan­ce to put que­stions and poin­ts to the spea­kers as part of an open ple­na­ry discus­sion.

Cllr Lewis Her­bert, Lea­der of Cam­brid­ge City Coun­cil, will intro­du­ce the event and MP for Cam­brid­ge, Daniel Zeich­ner, will chair it.

Cllr Her­bert said: “The out­co­me of the refe­ren­dum will have pro­found impac­ts on Cam­brid­ge, the UK and the rest of Euro­pe and we don’t yet know the full extent of what Britain’s exit from the EU will mean.

“That’s why we are brin­ging toge­ther lea­ders from the Cam­brid­ge busi­ness, aca­de­mic, NHS and poli­ti­cal com­mu­ni­ties, to share more of their under­stan­ding about what they see as the key issues of Bre­xit, so peo­ple are far bet­ter infor­med, and bet­ter pla­ced to work toge­ther to build the best futu­re for our city and its resi­den­ts.

“We will be discus­sing issues and aiming to respond to que­stions inclu­ding on the impli­ca­tions for stu­den­ts, for fun­ding in areas like research and deve­lo­p­ment, for EU natio­nals’ right to remain in the UK and the impor­tan­ce of the sin­gle mar­ket to busi­nes­ses.”

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