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Cambridge: leaders to consider implications of Brexit for city
25/07/2016Questo articolo è stato letto 9995 volte!
Cambridge: leaders to consider implications of Brexit for city
LEADERS from the business, academic, NHS and political communities will come together to discuss the implications of the leave decision following the referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union (EU).
Organised by Cambridge City Council, the free public event entitled “Responding to Brexit — achieving the best for Cambridge” will be held from 7pm to 9pm on Friday 5 August at The Guildhall, Market Square in Cambridge.
Due to the need to plan capacity and the expected demand, the event will be ticketed but it is open to anyone who would like to attend. Places can be reserved at Eventbrite.
Speakers offering views on what the vote to leave the EU means for Cambridge are set to include:
Dr Simon Usherwood, Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Surrey, from the ‘UK in a Changing Europe’ programme, who will assess the impact of Brexit on Cambridge and the UK;
Professor Chris Abell, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Research, University of Cambridge, who will give a perspective from the University of Cambridge;
Claire Ruskin, Chief Executive Officer of Cambridge Network, who will offer some views and ideas from the Cambridge business community;
Dr Mike More, Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Cambridge University Hospitals Trust, who will give a view from Addenbrooke’s Hospital and the NHS.
Attendees will have the chance to put questions and points to the speakers as part of an open plenary discussion.
Cllr Lewis Herbert, Leader of Cambridge City Council, will introduce the event and MP for Cambridge, Daniel Zeichner, will chair it.
Cllr Herbert said: “The outcome of the referendum will have profound impacts on Cambridge, the UK and the rest of Europe and we don’t yet know the full extent of what Britain’s exit from the EU will mean.
“That’s why we are bringing together leaders from the Cambridge business, academic, NHS and political communities, to share more of their understanding about what they see as the key issues of Brexit, so people are far better informed, and better placed to work together to build the best future for our city and its residents.
“We will be discussing issues and aiming to respond to questions including on the implications for students, for funding in areas like research and development, for EU nationals’ right to remain in the UK and the importance of the single market to businesses.”
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