Hornet Commissioned First Study From Nielsen To Determine Impact Of LGBTQ-Themed Advertising

Hornet Commissioned First Study From Nielsen To Determine Impact Of LGBTQ-Themed Advertising

06/02/2018 0 Di Redazione

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Hornet Commissioned First Study From Nielsen To Determine Impact Of LGBTQ-Themed Advertising

New stu­dy from the worl­d’s lea­ding gay social net­work finds that LGBTQ the­med ads gar­ner more brand tru­st, brand recall and pur­cha­se intent

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Hor­net, the worl­d’s pre­mier gay social net­work, today relea­sed its fir­st ever research with Niel­sen around the effi­ca­cy of LGB­TQ-the­med bran­ded adver­ti­sing on the LGBTQ con­su­mer. The custom stu­dy, which Hor­net com­mis­sio­ned from Niel­sen in 2017, exa­mi­nes adver­ti­sing con­tent across various indu­stries inclu­ding con­su­mer pac­ka­ged goods, hospi­ta­li­ty, auto­mo­ti­ve and ban­king.

“With this stu­dy, we hope to help brands impro­ve their mar­ke­ting and adver­ti­sing as it rela­tes to the LGBTQ com­mu­ni­ty,” said Sean Howell, Pre­si­dent and Co-Foun­der of Hor­net. “Our com­mu­ni­ty is one of the most highly sought-after demo­gra­phics, and crea­ting cam­pai­gns that speak direc­tly to this con­su­mer with authen­tic and inclu­si­ve mes­sa­ging is what distin­gui­shes brands from gene­ral mar­ket adver­ti­sing.”

In addi­tion to bet­ter under­stan­ding the con­su­mer impact of LGB­TQ-the­med ads, the stu­dy also spe­ci­fi­cal­ly eva­lua­tes the effec­ti­ve­ness of a varie­ty of ad crea­ti­ve from brands that fea­tu­re mes­sa­ges of inclu­sion, equa­li­ty and diver­si­ty. The effec­ti­ve­ness is com­pa­red again­st that of gene­ric ad crea­ti­ve from the same brands that do not fea­tu­re LGB­TQ-tar­ge­ted mes­sa­ging. By using an onli­ne desi­gn, the stu­dy mea­su­res both adver­ti­sing effec­ti­ve­ness and enga­ge­ment. Key brand effec­ti­ve­ness mea­su­res brand recall, brand fami­lia­ri­ty and affi­ni­ty, pur­cha­se intent and recom­men­da­tion intent and brand attri­bu­tes. 

Among­st its key fin­dings:

  • 60% of peo­ple expo­sed to LGB­TQ-the­med ads labe­led them as “pro­gres­si­ve and inclu­si­ve”
  • Pur­cha­se impact from LGB­TQ-the­med ads is 44% higher
  • 75% of the LGB­TQ-the­med ads tested out­per­form gene­ric ads in dri­ving brand recall
  • Of tho­se sur­veyed, 73% agreed they don’t mind pay­ing extra for a pre­mium pro­duct or ser­vi­ce

To see the stu­dy in its enti­re­ty plea­se click here.

Hor­ne­t’s free social net­work app avai­la­ble on iOS, Android, and the web.

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