Hornet Commissioned First Study From Nielsen To Determine Impact Of LGBTQ-Themed Advertising

Hornet Commissioned First Study From Nielsen To Determine Impact Of LGBTQ-Themed Advertising

06/02/2018 0 Di Redazione

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Hornet Commissioned First Study From Nielsen To Determine Impact Of LGBTQ-Themed Advertising

New study from the world’s lead­ing gay social net­work finds that LGBTQ themed ads gar­ner more brand trust, brand recall and pur­chase intent

SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Hor­net, the world’s pre­mier gay social net­work, today released its first ever research with Nielsen around the effi­ca­cy of LGBTQ-themed brand­ed adver­tis­ing on the LGBTQ con­sumer. The cus­tom study, which Hor­net com­mis­sioned from Nielsen in 2017, exam­ines adver­tis­ing con­tent across var­i­ous indus­tries includ­ing con­sumer pack­aged goods, hos­pi­tal­i­ty, auto­mo­tive and bank­ing.

“With this study, we hope to help brands improve their mar­ket­ing and adver­tis­ing as it relates to the LGBTQ com­mu­ni­ty,” said Sean How­ell, Pres­i­dent and Co-Founder of Hor­net. “Our com­mu­ni­ty is one of the most high­ly sought-after demo­graph­ics, and cre­at­ing cam­paigns that speak direct­ly to this con­sumer with authen­tic and inclu­sive mes­sag­ing is what dis­tin­guish­es brands from gen­er­al mar­ket adver­tis­ing.”

In addi­tion to bet­ter under­stand­ing the con­sumer impact of LGBTQ-themed ads, the study also specif­i­cal­ly eval­u­ates the effec­tive­ness of a vari­ety of ad cre­ative from brands that fea­ture mes­sages of inclu­sion, equal­i­ty and diver­si­ty. The effec­tive­ness is com­pared against that of gener­ic ad cre­ative from the same brands that do not fea­ture LGBTQ-tar­get­ed mes­sag­ing. By using an online design, the study mea­sures both adver­tis­ing effec­tive­ness and engage­ment. Key brand effec­tive­ness mea­sures brand recall, brand famil­iar­i­ty and affin­i­ty, pur­chase intent and rec­om­men­da­tion intent and brand attrib­ut­es. 

Amongst its key find­ings:

  • 60% of peo­ple exposed to LGBTQ-themed ads labeled them as “pro­gres­sive and inclu­sive”
  • Pur­chase impact from LGBTQ-themed ads is 44% high­er
  • 75% of the LGBTQ-themed ads test­ed out­per­form gener­ic ads in dri­ving brand recall
  • Of those sur­veyed, 73% agreed they don’t mind pay­ing extra for a pre­mi­um prod­uct or ser­vice

To see the study in its entire­ty please click here.

Hor­net’s free social net­work app avail­able on iOS, Android, and the web.

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