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Americans show support to Okinawa after murder, locals ask “Why doesn’t Japanese news show this?”
03/06/2016Questo articolo è stato letto 11079 volte!
Americans show support to Okinawa after murder, locals ask “Why doesn’t Japanese news show this?”
RocketNews24 by Scott Wilson
Many Americans are showing up to support Okinawa, but Japan isn’t talking about them.
On May 26, a civilian employee of the U.S. Kadena Air Base in Okinawa was arrested after allegedly admitting to raping and stabbing to death a 20-year-old Okinawan woman who had been missing for almost a month after she went out for a walk at night.
This incident has rightfully caused an eruption of anger and protest by the Okinawan people, where the overwhelming U.S. base presence has long been a controversial issue. Our deepest sympathies go out to the family and friends of the victim of this horrible event.
However, one dangerous possible outcome of this event is the furthering of an “us vs. them” mentality, and a misconception that all Americans in Okinawa are inhuman monsters. Just like racial profiling in the West has caused unjust anger toward millions of people when only a few are at fault, Japanese media portraying Americans as silent or complacent on this issue only incites more anger.
This is especially relevant when the opposite is true. Americans in Okinawa are out in droves to show their support for the Okinawan people they live with.
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