TIME Reveals Its Annual List of the 100 Most Influential People in the World

TIME Reveals Its Annual List of the 100 Most Influential People in the World

20/04/2018 0 Di Redazione

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TIME Reveals Its Annual List of the 100 Most Influential People in the World

NEW YORK, April 19, 2018  — Today, TIME, a Mered­ith Cor­po­ra­tion (NYSE: MDP) brand, reveals the 2018 TIME 100, its annu­al list of the 100 most influ­en­tial peo­ple in the world. The issue has six world­wide cov­ers, each high­light­ing a mem­ber of the TIME 100: Jen­nifer Lopez, Nicole Kid­man, Roger Fed­er­er, Tarana Burke, Satya Nadel­la, and Tiffany Had­dish.

The TIME 100 fea­tures often-sur­pris­ing pair­ings of the list mem­bers and the guest con­trib­u­tors TIME selects to write about them.

“The TIME 100, always a reflec­tion of its moment, looks quite dif­fer­ent than in the past,” notes TIME Edi­tor-in-Chief Edward Felsen­thal, cit­ing as one exam­ple the record 45 peo­ple on this year’s list who are under 40. “Influ­ence increas­ing­ly knows no sin­gle zip code and no min­i­mum age,” he adds, “and a com­mon theme in the trib­utes is how much we can learn from the young.”

Still, Felsen­thal notes, “The elder-as-teacher remains a pow­er­ful theme… See­ing suc­cess in some­one who looks like you, thinks like you, grew up like you can change the course of a life.” 


Writ­ers include Barack Oba­ma, Anne Hath­away, Bill Gates, Sele­na Gomez, Cher, Sean “Did­dy” Combs, Newt Gin­grich, Chris Pratt, Lau­rene Pow­ell Jobs, Joe Manchin, Jill Soloway, Rosie O’Don­nell, Eli Broad, Marc Benioff, John May­er, Ker­ry Wash­ing­ton, Chris­tine Todd Whit­man, Dick Durbin, Steve Case and more.

The list fea­tures U.S. Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump, and oth­er U.S. polit­i­cal fig­ures includ­ing Nan­cy Pelosi,Scott Pruitt, Jeff Ses­sions, Robert Mueller, Max­ine Waters and more.

Oprah and Xi Jin­ping are on the list for the 9th time, more than any oth­er per­son on the list this year. Oth­er repeats include: Kim Jong Un (8), Jeff Bezos (5), Pony Ma (3), Elon Musk (3), Nan­cy Pelosi (3), Don­ald Trump (3), Shin­zo Abe (2), José Andrés (2), Ryan Coogler (2), Eliz­a­beth Diller (2), Roger Fed­er­er (2), Nicole Kid­man (2), Jim­my Kim­mel (2), Mauri­cio Macri (2), Satya Nadel­la (2), Rihan­na (2), and Justin Trudeau (2).

This year’s list fea­tures a record 45 women, includ­ing, Jacin­da Ardern, Car­di B, Roseanne Barr, Jaclyn Corin, Car­men Yulín Cruz, Sonia Fried­man, Gal Gadot, Emma González, Savan­nah Guthrie, Cindy Hol­land, Jodi Kan­tor, Kesha, Chloe Kim, Hoda Kotb, Nice Nailantei Leng’ete, Meghan Markle, Janet Mock, Megan Twohey, Daniela Vega,  Jes­myn Ward, Peg­gy Whit­son, Whit­ney Wolfe Herd, and more. 

A record 45 peo­ple on this TIME 100 are under 40, includ­ing Bhav­ish Aggar­w­al, Jacin­da Ardern, Ster­ling K. Brown, Kevin Durant, Ronan Far­row, Roger Fed­er­er, Chloe Kim, Deepi­ka Padukone, Issa Rae, J.J. Watt, and more.

Actor Mil­lie Bob­bie Brown, 14, is the youngest per­son on this year’s list, and in TIME 100 his­to­ry. The old­est per­son on this year’s list is Con­gress­woman Max­ine Waters who is 79. 

See the com­plete 2018 TIME 100 list: www.time.com/100


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