17/09/2015 0 Di Redazione

Que­sto arti­co­lo è sta­to let­to 5965 vol­te!

070915 8va Conferencia Global-Mexico PRESIDE La Dra Mercedes Juan.en lafoto dr cuitlahua ruiz matu dr mar k. rosenbery dra mercedes juan dr pablo kuiri dra fadzziluh kamaluddin dr dionisio herrera

070915 8va Con­fe­ren­cia Glo­bal-Mexi­co PRESIDE La Dra Mer­ce­des Juan

The Mini­ster of Health, Mer­ce­des Juan, ope­ned the 8th Glo­bal Con­fe­ren­ce of the Net­work of Trai­ning Pro­grams and Inter­ven­tion in Epi­de­mio­lo­gy and Public Health (THEPHINET)*

Repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of 43 nations, meet to exchan­ge expe­rien­ces in epi­de­mio­lo­gy

Effec­ti­ve and time­ly sur­veil­lan­ce of emer­ging and re-emer­ging disea­ses, repre­sen­ts a major glo­bal chal­len­ge, said the Mini­ster of Health, Dr. Mer­ce­des Juan, stres­sing that in this task, the work of epi­de­mio­lo­gists is essen­tial, sin­ce they are who iden­ti­fy and stu­dy the dif­fe­rent out­breaks of disea­ses.

In the ope­ning of the 8th Glo­bal Con­fe­ren­ce of the Net­work of Trai­ning Pro­grams and Inter­ven­tions in Epi­de­mio­lo­gy and Public Health (TEPHINET), par­ti­ci­pa­ted 43 nations. The Mini­ster of Health highlighted the chal­len­ges that the epi­de­mio­lo­gy face to the glo­ba­li­za­tion.

Accom­pa­nied by the direc­tor of TEPHINRT, Dio­ni­sio Her­re­ra Gui­bert; Pre­si­dent of The Task For­ce for Glo­bal Health, Mark Rosen­berg, and the Under-Secre­ta­ry of Health Pre­ven­tion and Pro­mo­tion of the Mexi­can Mini­stry of Health, Pablo Kuri Mora­les, Dr. Mer­ce­des Juan recal­led that in 2009, Mexi­co aler­ted the world of the pre­sen­ce of the fir­st cases of influen­za A (H1N1), which were iden­ti­fied by the Mexi­can Epi­de­mio­lo­gi­cal Sur­veil­lan­ce System.

070915 8va Conferencia Global-Mexico PRESIDE La Dra Mercedes Juan.en lafoto dr cuitlahua ruiz matu dr mar k. rosenbery dra mercedes juan dr pablo kuiri dra fadzziluh kamaluddin dr dionisio herrera

Recen­tly, she said, with the epi­de­mic of Ebo­la virus in West Afri­ca, the work of epi­de­mio­lo­gists allo­wed each nation to deve­lop a respon­se plan and pre­vent the spread of this disea­se.

Dr. Mer­ce­des Juan said that this has been the result of work done over seve­ral years by the Net­work Trai­ning Pro­grams and Inter­ven­tion Epi­de­mio­lo­gy and Public Health, throu­gh the trai­ning of epi­de­mio­lo­gists in the world, streng­the­ning the capa­ci­ty of the inter­na­tio­nal public health poli­tics.

“Stu­den­ts who are trai­ned in the field of epi­de­mio­lo­gy, domi­na­te a com­pe­ten­ces for public health prac­ti­ces, and pro­vi­de a valua­ble public health ser­vi­ce to their coun­tries,” she said.

Final­ly, she repor­ted that the Resi­den­cy Pro­gram in Epi­de­mio­lo­gy of Mexi­co, has trai­ned 265 spe­cia­lists in its 30 years of exi­sten­ce.

Dr. Pablo Kuri Mora­les, Under­se­cre­ta­ry of Health Pre­ven­tion and Pro­mo­tion, explai­ned that Mexi­co was the third coun­try, after Cana­da and Thai­land star­ting in 1985, the resi­den­cy pro­gram in applied epi­de­mio­lo­gy.

Sin­ce then, Mexi­co has trai­ned more than 29 gene­ra­tions in this spe­cial­ty.

In his speech, Rosen­berg Merk, pre­si­dent of the Task For­ce for Glo­bal Health rei­te­ra­ted that if the­re is not an epi­de­mio­lo­gi­cal, sen­si­ti­ve and effec­ti­ve sur­veil­lan­ce system, a disea­se can beco­me a glo­bal cata­stro­phe.

Cur­ren­tly, the world faces a glo­bal epi­de­mic, such as non-com­mu­ni­ca­ble disea­ses, inju­ries and vio­len­ce.

070915 8va Conferencia Global-Mexico PRESIDE La Dra Mercedes Juan.en lafoto dr cuitlahua ruiz matu dr mar k. rosenbery dra mercedes juan dr pablo kuiri dra fadzziluh kamaluddin dr dionisio herrera

“If we do not stop this epi­de­mic, a glo­bal disa­ster will be unlea­shed in eco­no­mies around the world, con­si­de­ring that health systems do not have the eco­no­mic capa­ci­ty to con­front it,” he said.

*Trai­ning Pro­grams in Epi­de­mio­lo­gy and Public Health Inter­ven­tions Net­work (TEPHINET) was crea­ted in 1997, is a pro­fes­sio­nal net­work of 55 field epi­de­mio­lo­gy trai­ning pro­grams (FETPs) around the world. TEPHINET aims to streng­then inter­na­tio­nal public health poli­tics capa­ci­ty by trai­ning field epi­de­mio­lo­gists, throu­gh an applied appren­ti­ce­ship pro­gram in dif­fe­rent coun­tries and regions.

Its mis­sion is to strength glo­bal public health poli­tics capa­ci­ty by sup­por­ting well-qua­li­fied pro­fes­sio­nals in field epi­de­mio­lo­gy throu­gh trai­ning and ser­vi­ce and net­wor­king oppor­tu­ni­ties.

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