Kensington Palace issued a statement about the harassment currently being experienced by Meghan Markle and her family.

Kensington Palace issued a statement about the harassment currently being experienced by Meghan Markle and her family.

08/11/2016 0 Di Redazione

Que­sto arti­co­lo è sta­to let­to 12978 vol­te!

Prince Harry

Prin­ce Har­ry

Kensington Palace has issued a statement this morning about the harassment currently being experienced by Meghan Markle and her family.

A Statement by the Communications Secretary to Prince Harry

Sin­ce he was young, Prin­ce Har­ry has been very aware of the warmth that has been exten­ded to him by mem­bers of the public. He feels luc­ky to have so many peo­ple sup­por­ting him and kno­ws what a for­tu­na­te and pri­vi­le­ged life he leads.

He is also aware that the­re is signi­fi­cant curio­si­ty about his pri­va­te life. He has never been com­for­ta­ble with this, but he has tried to deve­lop a thick skin about the level of media inte­re­st that comes with it. He has rare­ly taken for­mal action on the very regu­lar publi­ca­tion of fic­tio­nal sto­ries that are writ­ten about him and he has wor­ked hard to deve­lop a pro­fes­sio­nal rela­tion­ship with the media, focu­sed on his work and the issues he cares about.

But the past week has seen a line cros­sed. His girl­friend, Meghan Mar­kle, has been sub­ject to a wave of abu­se and harass­ment. Some of this has been very public — the smear on the front page of a natio­nal new­spa­per; the racial under­to­nes of com­ment pie­ces; and the outright sexi­sm and raci­sm of social media trolls and web arti­cle com­men­ts. Some of it has been hid­den from the public — the nightly legal bat­tles to keep defa­ma­to­ry sto­ries out of papers; her mother having to strug­gle past pho­to­gra­phers in order to get to her front door; the attemp­ts of repor­ters and pho­to­gra­phers to gain ille­gal entry to her home and the calls to poli­ce that fol­lo­wed; the sub­stan­tial bri­bes offe­red by papers to her ex-boy­friend; the bom­bard­ment of near­ly eve­ry friend, co-wor­ker, and loved one in her life.

Prin­ce Har­ry is wor­ried about Ms. Markle’s safe­ty and is dee­ply disap­poin­ted that he has not been able to pro­tect her. It is not right that a few mon­ths into a rela­tion­ship with him that Ms. Mar­kle should be sub­jec­ted to such a storm. He kno­ws com­men­ta­tors will say this is ‘the pri­ce she has to pay’ and that ‘this is all part of the game’. He stron­gly disa­grees. This is not a game — it is her life and his. 

He has asked for this sta­te­ment to be issued in the hopes that tho­se in the press who have been dri­ving this sto­ry can pau­se and reflect befo­re any fur­ther dama­ge is done. He kno­ws that it is unu­sual to issue a sta­te­ment like this, but hopes that fair-min­ded peo­ple will under­stand why he has felt it neces­sa­ry to speak publi­cly.

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