Gravis Marketing Florida General Election Poll Medical Marijuana and Transgender Bathroom Laws Shows…

Gravis Marketing Florida General Election Poll Medical Marijuana and Transgender Bathroom Laws Shows…

24/05/2016 0 Di puntoacapo

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8d902804f1826ce08a15a46a970cGravis Marketing Florida General Election Poll Medical Marijuana and Transgender Bathroom Laws Shows…

As the pri­ma­ry sea­son begins to wrap up and the US Gen­er­al Elec­tion less than six months away, State of Flori­da vot­ers appear dis­sat­is­fied with cur­rent state polit­i­cal lead­ers and the crop of poten­tial pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates accord­ing to a new Gravis Mar­ket­ing poll. The sur­vey con­tin­ued to gauge the opin­ion of reg­is­tered Flori­da vot­ers by ask­ing them their thoughts on cur­rent Nation­al and State of Flori­da issues that may impact their opin­ions of poten­tial nom­i­nees for all elect­ed offices.

Flori­da elec­tion poll results show Hillary Clin­ton has an edge over Don­ald Trump in the pres­i­den­tial poll, and Flori­da vot­ers are for med­ical mar­i­jua­na and are opposed to trans­gen­der bath­room choic­es.  The poll, con­duct­ed by the non­par­ti­san research firm, Gravis Mar­ket­ing, ran­dom­ly sur­veyed 2,542 Flori­da reg­is­tered vot­ers regard­ing the pres­i­den­tial race, mar­i­jua­na, trans­gen­derissues, and oth­er issues. Gravis Mar­ket­ing con­duct­ed this poll from May 17th to May 18th using auto­mat­ed tele­phone calls. This poll has a mar­gin of error of ± 2 per­cent at a 95 per­cent con­fi­dence lev­el and was weight­ed by antic­i­pat­ed vot­ing demo­graph­ics.

In the Flori­da poll results, when sur­veyed, 46 per­cent of Flori­da reg­is­ter vot­ers said they would vote for Hillary Clin­ton, as opposed to 42 per­cent who would vote for Don­ald Trump. Of the vot­ers ques­tioned, 12 per­cent were still unsure.  The vot­ers were also asked whether they looked on the can­di­date favor­ably or unfa­vor­ably. In the case of Don­ald Trump, 38 per­cent looked on Trump favor­ably, 54 per­cent looked on him unfa­vor­ably, and 8 per­cent were unsure. In the case of Hillary Clin­ton,  40 per­cent looked on Clin­ton favor­ably, 52 per­cent look on her unfa­vor­ably, and 8 per­cent were unsure. Of these vot­ers, 37 per­cent iden­ti­fied as Demo­c­rat, 35 per­cent iden­ti­fied as Repub­li­can, and 28 per­cent iden­ti­fied as Inde­pen­dent or oth­er.

Med­ical Mar­i­jua­na

Reg­is­tered vot­ers were also asked about the upcom­ing med­ical mar­i­jua­na amend­ment on the Flori­da bal­lot.  The reg­is­ter vot­ers were asked if they were for or against the State of Florida’s con­sti­tu­tion­al amend­ment on the the bal­lot to legal­ize med­ical mar­i­jua­na. This amend­ment would legal­ize med­ical mar­i­jua­na for indi­vid­u­als with cer­tain med­ical con­di­tions deemed debil­i­tat­ing. This would require a licensed state physi­cian to approve the treat­ment. Of those sur­veyed, 69 per­cent would vote for the amend­ment, 23 per­cent would vote against the amend­ment, and 8 per­cent were unde­cid­ed. It appears most Florid­i­ans are in favor of this amend­ment.

Trans­gen­der Issues

When asked whether they would sup­port a law requir­ing peo­ple to use the bath­room accord­ing to the gen­der they were born with and not nec­es­sar­i­ly the gen­der they iden­ti­fied with, 32 per­cent would strong­ly favor of such a law while 25 per­cent would strong­ly oppose the law. Those who slight­ly favored the law came in at 14 per­cent, while those who slight­ly opposed the law were at 13 per­cent. 16 per­cent of those asked were unsure.

When asked whether they sup­port a law requir­ing peo­ple to use the lock­er room accord­ing to the gen­der they were born with and not nec­es­sar­i­ly the gen­der they iden­ti­fied with, 30 per­cent would strong­ly favor of such a law while 26 per­cent would strong­ly oppose the law. Those who slight­ly favored the law came in at 15 per­cent, while those who slight­ly opposed the law were at 14 per­cent. 15 per­cent of those asked were unsure.

About Gravis Mar­ket­ing

Gravis Mar­ket­ing is a polit­i­cal polling and mar­ket research firm locat­ed in Win­ter Springs, Flori­da. It’s pres­i­dent, Doug Kaplan, appears with Car­men Rus­sell-Sluchan­sky on Cam­paign Con­nec­tion on 1390 AM Wash­ing­ton DC. and 1430 AM New York City, and The Ed Dean Show in Orlan­do, Flori­da. He is the offi­cial poll­ster for Capi­tol Cor­re­spon­dent in Wash­ing­ton, D.C.

READ:  Full Poll Results

Pres­i­den­tial Flori­da Poll Results

Gravis Mar­ket­ing Pres­i­dent Doug Kaplan offered the fol­low­ing analy­sis of the recent Flori­da polling. “Flori­da is going to be a huge bat­tle­ground state for this years Pres­i­den­tial elec­tion and this state is a must win for the GOP if they have any hope of regain­ing the White House. In recent weeks, Trump has done a good job of gath­er­ing his base while Clin­ton is still in a hot­ly con­test­ed bat­tle with Bernie Sanders — which is rapid­ly divid­ing the Demo­c­rat par­ty. If she is able to take the nom­i­na­tion, she’ll have to work hard to win over some of those Sanders sup­port­ers to main­tain her lead in Fl


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