Narodna rada Kryukivshiny” appeals to international organizations  for help to fight corruption and bombardment of a peaceful village in Ukraine

Narodna rada Kryukivshiny” appeals to international organizations for help to fight corruption and bombardment of a peaceful village in Ukraine

03/02/2016 0 Di puntoacapo

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image001Pub­lic orga­ni­za­tion “Nar­o­d­na rada Kryukivshiny” appeals to inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tions and the media for help to fight cor­rup­tion and bom­bard­ment of  a peace­ful vil­lage

Today Ukraine is ter­ri­ble to live not only in the East. A grenade lauch­er was fired in a peace­ful vil­lage near Kyiv. Pri­vate prop­er­ty was dam­aged. Com­mon peo­ple might have per­ished in this inci­dent. Chil­dren are fright­ened and afraid to go out. The rea­son of the inci­dent is a high lev­el of cor­rup­tion of local author­i­ties and the police.

Some­one had shot an exca­va­tor of a local busi­ness­man which for­tu­nate­ly was far from the hous­es and at there were no work­ers near­by. No injuries were report­ed. The con­flict emerged because of the local author­i­ties of Kryukovshi­na who mired in cor­rup­tion and are afraid of pub­lic­i­ty. And the crush­ing sto­ry of them has been shown  in the TV-pro­gramme “Groshі” by 1 + 1 chan­nel recent­ly.

Reporters due to the ini­tia­tive of Svy­atoslav Kozyrev con­duct­ed a study and found out that the vil­lage head Andriy Kri­pak mis­ap­pro­pri­at­ed huge sums of bud­get mon­ey dur­ing the con­struc­tion of a kinder­garten in Kryukovshi­na. Svy­atoslav is a busi­ness­man who lives in the vil­lage and notices what is actu­al­ly doing Andriy Kri­pak. Svy­atoslav is an own­er of the exca­va­tor which was fired by the grenade launch­er. In such a way the local author­i­ties are try­ing to pro­tect their cor­rup­tion schemes and intim­i­date any­one who oppose them .‑tHli4i2oM

We can not tol­er­ate the use of lethal weapons in the peace­ful vil­lage Kryukovshi­na! ”Nar­o­d­na rada Kryukіvs­chi­ni” asks on inter­na­tion­al orga­ni­za­tions and the media to pay atten­tion to this dis­or­der. Cor­rup­tion in Ukraine is still strong and we can not over­come it . We need ideas and meth­ods of deal­ing with hard cor­rup­tion in Kyi­vo-Svy­atoshin­sky dis­trict. If you know ways or pos­si­bil­i­ties to stop this ter­ri­ble sit­u­a­tion, please con­tact us imme­di­ate­ly!

Ale­na Tsi­bul­s­ka

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